Member Roles for 2023-2024
Please select 3 BNI Roles that you would like to serve in next term.
Lead weekly meeting, attend Chapter Success Meeting
Secretary / Treasurer
Manage chapter dues, maintain chapter funds, speaker rotation, attend monthly CSM
Mentor Coordinator
New Member onboarding, attends monthly CSM
Visitor Host
Arrive early w/ Visitor Host team, set up table, register visitors, and review application process with visitors
Social / Event Coordinator
Plan monthly Chapter events and social gatherings.
Vice President
Weekly PALMS report, chair the Membership Committee, VP report, attend monthly CSM
Membership Committee
New Member interviews, 7 month renewals, uphold BNI policies
Education Coordinator
Prepare weekly, 3-5 minute education moment
Communication Coordinator
Manage the chapter's BNI branded website, Facebook pages and all other social media collateral